Tree Planting

Posted on 2021-04-14

Want to hit 17 sustainable goals with 1 stone? Try tree planting

In 2015, the United Nations decided to establish the UN Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs), 17 goals dedicated to building a more sustainable and equitable world. Every year since, governments, businesses, and enterprises have been encouraged to adopt one or more of these goals and use…

Posted on 2021-02-10

Championing Transparency in Tree Planting

From exception to norm: that’s the trajectory that environmentally conscious people like you and us want the concept of “giving back to the planet” to take. At EcoMatcher, we know we’re not alone when we say we’d like more and more organisations to normalise both…

Posted on 2020-07-23

The State of Global Forests

With the United Nations’ Decade on Biodiversity drawing to a close this year, it seems timely to relook at the current state of global forests and what the future looks like for conservation.  Forests are home to most of the Earth’s terrestrial biodiversity, making them…

Posted on 2020-04-11

The Value of Trees in World Religions

Trees are prominent features in the tales and triumphs of religions all over the world. They’ve been seen throughout the ages as powerful symbols of prosperity and birth, often represented in the form of ‘trees of life’ or ‘gifts that keep on giving’.  The world…

Posted on 2020-04-02

Deforestation and Disease Dynamics

For the past few years, the conversation over disease has exponentially increased. Consider the Zika virus, preceded by the Ebola epidemic, succeeded by the new COVID19 super virus that has led to a global shut down.  Scientists have, for the past few years, screened and…

Posted on 2020-01-21

What is Agroforestry?

The increasing impact of climate change is a serious problem that cannot be waved away with the swift flick of a magic wand. Melting ice caps, growing deforestation, scarcity of fresh drinking water, increasing temperatures at a global level, ozone layer depletion; the list is…

Posted on 2019-10-31

Tree and Tree Planting: Busting Myths

Trees are vital to our existence. Now that we’ve stated the obvious– the biggest plants on the planet help in preventing soil erosion support wildlife, store carbon and give us oxygen. Trees are the longest surviving species on our planet. They have been around for…

Posted on 2019-10-06

Innovations That are Changing the Face of Forests and Ecology

With all the recent and often disastrous developments in the natural world, we have reached a juncture in time where it is imperative for everyone to actively work towards conserving the environment. Leading scientists have been highlighting the delicate condition of the environment and stressing…

Posted on 2019-09-29

Why Businesses Need to Support Reforestation

In 2019, climate change and the impacts of climate change fast moved from occasional news headlines to constant worry, and for a reason. This has been a highlight year for climate for all the wrong reasons, with many countries across the globe– France, Belgium and Luxembourg to name a…

Posted on 2019-09-26

Introducing the Global Forest Program

Press Release September 26, 2019 – Hong Kong. If you are a company looking for ways to help combat the global climate crisis, and improve employee engagement at the same time, EcoMatcher’s new program, the Global Forest Program, maybe what you are looking for. With EcoMatcher’s Global…

Posted on 2019-09-25

Cities and Forests: How They Co-Exist

Cities and forests are often perceived as two separate entities, but the fact of the matter is that the two are interlinked, even co-dependent. Cities may be self-sufficient on the surface, but a massive amount of their resources (think cool wind, water supply, rainfall) directly…

Posted on 2019-09-08

The Restoration Economy and the Value of Trees

The idea of restoration economy has been around for a few years, but is only now being recognized for its value. In the face of recent natural disasters and climate change, scientists and researchers have put forth the idea that natural barriers are the best…