My Bhutan
El Nidaa
The mission of the Alliance for International Reforestation Guatemala (AIR)
The Haiti Tree Project
Trees for Kenya
Bôndy is a social enterprise led by young entrepreneurs who have the desire to reforest Madagascar, protect its biodiversity and help rural population thru its projects. To accomplish our mission, we propose agroforestry projects and mangroves restauration projects, as both can help us touch different communities and solve different environmental issues.
New Growth
Turtle Conservation Project (TCP)
Conserve Natural Forests (CNF)
Fostering Education & Environment for Development (FEED)
Emirates Marine Environmental Group
Basatin Landscaping
Tree Adoption Uganda (TAU)
NGO: Heenat Salma Farm
NGO: Menaqua
NGO: Regrow Borneo
Regrow Borneo is a UK Charity which aims to mitigate climate change and forest fragmentation by restoring degraded riverine and swamp forests within the Lower Kinabatangan Floodplain
NGO: Plant Your Future (PYF)
NGO: Tropical Rainforest Conservation & Research Center (TRCRC)
Tropical Rainforest Conservation and Research Centre (TRCRC) was established in 2012 to restore tropical rainforests and address the critical rate of biodiversity loss in Malaysia. TRCRC is committed to restoring degraded patches of Malaysian rainforest through the establishment of ex-situ living collections and extensive awareness and outreach programmes.