Climate Related

Posted on 2020-01-09

The Paris Agreement, a Refresher

As the conversation surrounding climate change continues, we have begun to see its devastating effects. From freak storms and typhoons to raging forest fires, the range and destruction as a consequence of environmental change has affected us all. In the context of dealing with the vulnerability of…

Posted on 2019-11-03

Restoration Ecology and Ecological Restoration

You might be wondering: what is restoration ecology? The term itself might sound simplistic, but restoration ecology is a nuanced, layered topic – and a field of study! It is the scientific study of ecological restoration, how it is carried out and what it entails….

Posted on 2019-03-12

How Bad is Climate Change?

Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg), the 16 year old from Sweden who initiated the first school strike for climate, may have a point: there is no reason to go to school, as there will be no future. Unless we act. And as David Wallace -Wells describes in…

Posted on 2018-05-11

Millennials: Conscious Consumers and Employees

  50% of the world’s population – we refer to them as Millennials – is under the age of 30, and the values of this generation are set to become the norm. As tech savvy, connected and truly global generation, they feel collectively responsible, they…

Posted on 2017-07-21

Sustainable Development Goals

  “We don’t have a plan B because there is no planet B” Ban Ki Moon, former UN Secretary General.   The 193 member states of the United Nations, spearheaded by Ban Ki Moon, have established 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals cover a…